Sunday, July 22, 2012

Our Pin is done!

Our secretary, also known as "Furei-chan". Made 2 pins like this. (the picture above)
The members will be given a key-chain with a "Wotaku" logo. While, the president and secretary will have pins like this but we will still choose someone who's active and not an officer of Wotaku to receive a pin like this. The officers of the club will receive a key-chain but a different color.

If you want to have this, you must be:
1. You must be in the vicinity. (Philippines, Cabanatuan City)
2. Member of the club
3. Active on meetings.
4. Always interacting with the members.

---You can still join our club even if you're not in the country, we'll post our meetings on the group so you know what happened and such. Meetings of officers are always on Friday, while meeting of the whole club will be held on Saturday.
If you're in the vicinity and also a member of our group, You'll get a free pin and a t-shirt with "Wotaku" in it.

Well, that's just what i wanted to inform you guys. :)
Kaichou of Wotaku.

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